
GDPR Privacy Policy

GDPR Privacy Policy

ANTEA STAR d.o.o. respects your privacy, we understand that it is important to you and that you care about how your information is used. This policy explains when, why and how we collect personal information from people who visit our website, fill out an order form and contract to use any of our services or products, or who request that we contact them or contact us in any other way. This policy also details the conditions under which we may disclose this information to others and how we ensure its security. Please read our Privacy Policy in its entirety, but here we briefly list the principles that guide us in our business:

We will never sell your personal information. We will never share your personal data with a third party for the purposes of promoting that third party. We will always take care of the security of your data using strict encryption, respecting all regulations on the protection of personal data and applying the highest security IT standards. We will never directly send you a promotional email without your consent. To receive our newsletters and promotional messages, we ask for your express consent (opt-in) and you can withdraw your consent (opt-out) at any time using the "Unsubscribe" link found in the sent e-mail message or through the user interface by check "No" under Edit Account Information > My Information > Service Notification. If you are not sure or have a question about how your data is collected or used, please contact us at

You can read our Privacy Policy in its entirety below.

ANTEA STAR d.o.o. is a trading company with its headquarters in Zagreb, at the address Novska ulica 24, 10 000 Zagreb, MBS: 081438263 (Commercial Court in Zagreb), OIB: 33146222617

ANTEA STAR limited liability company for services

Registration number: 081438263 at the Commercial Court in Zagreb

OIB: 33146222617

Company headquarters: Novska ulica 24, 10 000 Zagreb

Basic capital: HRK 20,000.00 paid in full

Board member: Mario Starčić, director
Transaction account: HR17 2360000 1102998801 in ZAGREBAČKA BANKA d.d.

Phone: 01/614-7400

Fax: 01/614-7401


The authorized person to represent the company is Mario Starčić.

These Rules (together with our General Terms and Conditions, including the Data Processing Agreement, and other provisions to which they refer) form the basis of our processing of any personal data that we collect from you or that you make available to us. Please read this Policy carefully to fully understand our position and practices regarding your personal data and how we treat it.

In accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), ANTEA STAR d.o.o. is a trading company with its headquarters in Zagreb, at the address Novska ulica 24, 10 000 Zagreb, MBS: 081438263 (Commercial Court in Zagreb), OIB: 33146222617 acts as a data controller.

When do we collect personal data?
We may collect your personal data in the following ways:

We may collect and store personal information that you enter when you fill out forms on our website, such as purchase orders, requests for quotations, and the like. We may also ask you for your personal data in case you participate in our prize games or promotions or if you report a problem related to our website. If you contact us, we may collect and keep records of such correspondence, including any personal information you provide in the course of the correspondence. We may collect and store personal data that you have submitted to us as part of surveys that we have asked you to complete, although you are not obliged to answer them.
We may collect and store personal data related to transactions you carry out through our website, i.e. related to the fulfillment of your orders and service contracts. We may collect and store personal data related to your visit to our websites, such as traffic data, location data and other communication data for our own security, diagnostic purposes, authentication and billing and invoicing.

What personal data do we collect? If you only browse our web pages, we collect the following personal data within our logs: IP addresses (see below Cookies and IP addresses)
If you want to use our services and products, we collect the following personal data: Name and Surname, Social Security Number, Address, Email Address, Phone Numbers, IP Addresses, Payment Data, Although we do not actively collect it, we may store any personal data that you disclose. during live chat, in support requests (tickets) or e-mail messages. Cookies A cookie is a small file saved on your computer that is used to store your preferences and other information, and which is used by the websites you visit. We use cookies for the following purposes: Authentication of users when they log in or log out of the interface related to our services. Analysis of traffic to our website using the Google Analytics tool (see below Google Analytics). Tracking preferences related to websites. Third party services such as live chat. If you conclude a contract with us on the provision of services or continue to use our website, you give your consent to the use of cookies. You can block cookies by activating the settings in your Internet browser that allow you to refuse the installation of all or some cookies. However, if you set your internet browser settings to block all cookies, you may not be allowed access to all or some parts of our website. If you do not set your internet browser settings to reject cookies, our system will send cookies as soon as you visit our website.

Where do we store your personal data?
We store the personal data we collect from you on our own servers in our own data center in the Republic of Croatia. However, we may share this data with third parties with whom we cooperate in business for the purpose of fulfilling contracts for the provision of services to you, and who may be located outside the European Economic Area, such as registries and domain registrars and the like. By sending your personal data, you consent to the processing of that data outside the European Economic Area. We will take all necessary steps to ensure that your personal data, regardless of where it is processed, is secure and treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the GDPR.

How do we protect your personal data?
We pay the greatest possible attention to the security of all data and take all appropriate steps in accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data valid in the Republic of Croatia. The collection of all personal data is carried out via an encrypted connection (https). All personal data is stored behind a firewall in accordance with the highest IT standards, which is taken care of by our staff specialized in IT security. Physical access to all personal data is protected according to appropriate standards. There are access logs for all systems that store personal data. All passwords are encrypted at rest. Penetration tests are regularly carried out on all systems and they are constantly monitored to detect possible vulnerabilities and attacks. We use the personal data we collect about you in the following ways: to verify your identity, to deliver products and provide services that you have contracted with us, to fulfill our obligations that arising from the contracts you entered into with us, to display the content of your websites in the most effective way on your device, to respond to your inquiries, to provide information, deliver products and provide services that you request from us, in cases where you have given your consent to We contact you to notify you of changes related to our services, to send promotional e-mails, in cases where you have given your express consent, to prevent fraud, to detect, prevent and diagnose potential security breaches. Legal basis for data collection: Personal data protection regulations govern the assumptions under which personal data can be collected and which we use as the legal basis for collection and processing. These legal bases are as follows.

Execution of contractual obligations
When you contract for the provision of some of our services or the delivery of some of our products, we must collect personal data from you in order to fulfill our contractual obligations (for example, to manage your user account, issue invoices for services, contact you for the purposes of providing customer support, etc. ).

Compliance with legal obligations
The regulations in force in the Republic of Croatia oblige us to collect and process data for certain purposes, such as accounting purposes (e.g. issuing invoices) and submitting data in accordance with the requirements of judicial authorities.

Legitimate interests
As part of our daily operations, we collect data for legitimate interests in a reasonable manner. For example, we collect and record IP addresses for fraud protection and security protection, as well as for analyzing the use of our website.

In some cases, we may collect and process your personal data with your consent, for example when sending our newsletter and promotional e-mail messages. You can withdraw your consent to receive them at any time.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your data only as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. At the end of the retention period, we will either delete or anonymize personal data so that they can no longer be linked to anyone. We keep personal data related to any financial transactions for at least 11 years, given that this is determined by the regulations in force in the Republic of Croatia.

Who do we share your personal data with?

Like many other websites, we use Google Analytics to collect anonymous data about the users of our websites, in order to find out how often they visit our websites, which pages they visit, what time they visit them, how long they stay and which country they come from. These data are collected using cookies and IP addresses, and the obtained statistics are used for the following purposes: to improve the usability of websites, to monitor the success of marketing campaigns, to analyze behavior patterns. If you do not want Google Analytics to collect this information, you can install a Google plugin for your browser that will prevent this. You can download the plugin here: You can find more information about how Google uses data collected from our websites here: =hr&gl=uk


Ana Goles
Ana Goles
star star star star star
Prekrasna villa, odlično opremljena sa svime što je potrebno za ugodan boravak i odmor. Sve je jako čisto i prostrano, a poseban ugođaj je uz bazen. Domaćini jako susretljivi i dragi. Raj na zemlji :)
Mir Mir
Mir Mir
star star star star star
I was at Villa Antea for a business meeting, and I can confidently say that I fell in love with the wonderful environment and the facilities built in a special style. During my stay, I had the pleasure of meeting the owners of the Villa, a charming couple along with their cute little daughter and their adorable puppy. They were extremely loving and friendly, making us feel right at home. The place was very suitable for organizing various events, whether they were business or family meetings, and it even offered an ideal environment, perhaps even for filming a movie. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the host for their warm hospitality.
marina kašnar
marina kašnar
star star star star star
Jako lijepa villa, smještena u mirnom okruženju. Prekrasna iznutra i izvana. Odlično za odrasle i djecu, ima prekrasan vanjski bazen okružen sa zelenilom, vanjske terase.... Jako dragi i susretljivi domaćini.. Nadam se da ćemo imati priliku opet doći. Preporuke svima.... 🎊🥳🤩 …
Katarina Kranjčec
Katarina Kranjčec
star star star star star
Villa Antea pruza posjetitelju mir, odmor, zabavu, uzitak... spoj modernog i tradicionalnog daje dojam topline i ugode, osjecaj kao kod kuce, izrazitu komociju. Vila nudi sadrzaje za zabavu odraslih i djece. Domacini vrlo dragi i ljubazni. U Villi Antea ocekuje vas odmor iz snova!
star star star star star
Ova zadivljujuća vila nalazi se u mirnom okruženju što je čini savršenim odmakom od užurbanosti modernog života. Sadržaj je bogat, gostoprimstvo toplo, djeci neće ponestati zanimacija. Za svaku preporuku!
Iva Hrković
Iva Hrković
star star star star star
Iznimno lijepa villa, uredena s puno truda.Detalji unutrasnjosti doslovno ostavljaju bez daha. Vanjski prostor je prostran s puno zelenila, a dvoriste krasi prekrasan bazen. Sve je uredno i cisto. Voljela bih posjetiti ponovo🤩 …